How to be a good parent following a divorce. 

Posted on May 7, 2023

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process that can have a significant impact on both parents and their children. As someone who has gone through a divorce and has come out the other side, I can say that being a good parent during and after a divorce is one of the most important things you can do for your children.   

Embrace the change.  
One of the first things to remember when going through a divorce is to embrace change. When my ex-wife and I first decided to separate, I was filled with a mix of emotions. I was scared, sad, and overwhelmed by the changes that were coming. However, as time went on, I realised that I had to embrace the change and make the most of the situation. It was not easy, but I found that being positive and staying focused on my children's well-being helped me to adjust to the changes more quickly. 

Prioritise your children's needs over your feelings. 

Another important aspect of being a good parent after a divorce is to prioritise your children's needs over your feelings. This also means putting aside any negative feelings towards your ex-spouse and working together to make decisions that are in the best interest of your children. To be honest, this is not always easy. It can be challenging to put aside personal feelings and work towards a common goal. However, for me I found that focusing on my children's well-being helped me to stay motivated and focused on what is important.  The children, then yourself.   

Co Parenting Plan 

One of the ways to prioritise your children's needs is to establish a co-parenting plan. This means creating a plan that works for both parents and their children. That helps to reduce conflict and promote consistency. When my ex-wife and I first started co-parenting, it was challenging to find a system that worked for both of us. However, we were both committed to putting our children first, and we were able to find a plan that worked well for us. 

Effective Communication 

Effective communication is also essential for any successful co-parenting relationship. This means communicating in a positive and constructive way, avoiding blame and criticism, and listening actively to your children's feelings and concerns. It is important to remember that your children are going through a lot of changes during and after a divorce, and they need your support and understanding. I have found that by being patient and empathetic, I am able to better understand my children's needs and help them through this challenging time. 

Do not forget yourself 
It's also important to take care of yourself as a parent after a divorce. This means prioritising your own well-being, seeking support from friends and family, and engaging in self-care activities. When my ex-wife and I first separated, I was so focused on my children that I neglected my own needs. However, I quickly realised that taking care of myself was essential to being a good parent. By making time for self-care, I was able to reduce stress and anxiety, and be more present and engaged with my children. I made sure I got up, showered, dressed, and went out every day. Sounds easy, sometimes it is not but you have to force yourself and get into a daily Rythm.  

External Support 

Friends and family can be great, but it is also helpful to seek out external resources and support during and after a divorce. There are many organisations that offer support and guidance for parents going through a divorce, such as counselling services and support groups. It can be helpful to talk to other parents who have gone through a similar experience and learn from their experiences. 

People who do not know you, do not have the baggage of you as part of a couple, and do not have vested interests, opinions or hidden (or not) agendas. It is good to be able to talk to someone else without having to explain and justify yourself.  


One of the challenges of co-parenting after a divorce is dealing with the different parenting styles and expectations of both parents. It is important to find a balance and compromise that works for both parents and their children. This means being flexible and open to different ideas and approaches to parenting. I have found that by being willing to compromise and work together, my ex-wife and I have been able to create a stable and consistent environment for our children. 

The Ex  
Another important aspect of being a good parent after a divorce is to maintain a positive relationship with your ex-spouse. This means avoiding negative comments or behaviours that can impact your children's well-being. It can be tempting to bad-mouth your ex, especially if there were issues that led to the divorce, but it is important to keep those negative feelings to yourself. Remember, your children still love and care about both of their parents, and negative comments can be hurtful and confusing for them. Children aren’t divorce weapons

Divorce is hard, it’s a painful and potentially damaging experience.  It's difficult to deal with as an adult, for a child it can be (and is) life changing. You must work with your ex. However bad it gets you must put your children above your own feelings.  Your ex is their other parent.  Your children will remember your actions for the rest of your life and being toxic about your ex achieves nothing good.  

Let your children experience and grow up remembering a difficult time but one they got through and adapted to. One that reinforced what good parents you are.  When they are older and better equipped to deal with, they may ask questions, or you choose to explain.  That’s the time to share the experience.   


In addition to maintaining a positive relationship with your ex-spouse, it is also important to establish boundaries and respect each other's space. This means being clear about your expectations and needs and respecting your ex-spouse's boundaries as well. It is important to remember that you are both still parents and working together to provide a stable and consistent environment for your children is the goal. 

Control your emotions and don't blame your children.

It may sound obvious but control your temper and emotions. Don't do or say things you'll regret later.
Why you should never hit your children.

Be patient with your kids.  

It's important to be patient and understanding with your children during and after a divorce. They will be experiencing a wide range of emotions, from sadness, anger to confusion and anxiety. It is important to listen to their feelings and concerns and provide them with the support and lots of love they need to navigate this difficult time.  

Be consistent and predictable in your parenting, and to maintain a sense of routine and stability for your children. 

In conclusion, 

being a good parent following a divorce is all about prioritising your children's needs, establishing effective communication and co-parenting plans.  Not forgetting to take care of yourself. It is a challenging, overwhelming and emotional process, but with patience, understanding, and a willingness to work together, you can create a stable and loving environment for your children. Remember, your children are counting on you to be their rock during this difficult time, and with your love and support, they will thrive and grow into happy, healthy adults. 

This is going to be challenging and there are going to be days where you struggle. You need to stay focused and disciplined. Be there for your children. 

Remember Children aren't divorce weapons

You’re going to need to draw on the strength and experience of others.  

Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help.  

Cosychats can be part of this. Allowing you to seek the experience of others who have been through this but please whatever route you take please keep on talking and communicating. 

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